Denture FAQ

Mountain View Denture Clinic, Alberta Clinic, Alberta Dentures

How do I care for my dentures?

  • Clean daily with a soft bristle brush & denture cleaner.
  • Keep dentures in clean, cold water when not being worn.

How often do I need to see my Denturist?

  • At least once a year for an overall oral exam.  You denturist will not only check your denture they will also check your mouth for signs of oral cancer, your gum ridges, tongue and jaw joints.
  • Anytime you notice an abnormalities such as looseness, bad odor, color changes or stains on your denture.
  • Anytime you need to resupply your denture care products.

How often do I need to replace my denture?

  • You should replace your denture should be replaced once every 5 years.
  • Your face, jaw and tissues change gradually over time making replacing the denture important to keep the aesthetics and chewing performance of your denture effective.

What is a Denturist and do I need a referral?

  • You do NOT need a referral.
  • Denturists are primary dental health care providers who are licensed and trained to provide Denture Care Services directly to the public. Denturists are trained in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of patients who are missing some or all of their teeth.  Denturists also study the fabrication of partial and complete dentures, are able to diagnose patients in their clinics, fabricate dentures in their own in-house laboratories.

What are the most common problems with getting dentures and the potential solutions?

  • Denture moving and slipping – Reline, rebase or replacement may be required.
  • Poor chewing ability – Rebalance may be required.
  • Difficulty speaking or unwanted sounds like clicking, whistling or smacking – Reline, rebase or replacement may be required.
  • Lack of suction – Rebalance or dry mouth treatment may be required.
  • Wrinkles around the lips or the corners of the mouth – dry mouth treatment and other treatments may be required.
  • Soreness at the corners of the mouth – may be a fungal infection or a result of a vitamin deficiency, see your denturist for treatment options.
  • Sore spots in your mouth – could be bruxism or loose dentures, rebalance and other treatments may be required.
  • These are why you should see your Denturist to help you with the best possible care and adjustments for optimal fit and support

How can I pay for dentures?

  • Most forms of payment are accepted.
  • It is recommended you first check with your Insurance to see how much you are covered for.

Can I wear my dentures all the time?

  • It is recommended you give your tissues a chance to rest, breathe and heal.
  • When leaving your dentures out ensure you leave them in cold clean water so as not to dry them out.

Should I bring in a picture to recreate my natural smile?

  • Yes, definitely bring in pictures.

Will I be without my dentures for a few days if I require adjustments/repairs?

  • Denture clinics typically have an in-house laboratory, so frequently repairs can be completed same day.
  • This one reason why you would want to stay on top of regular visits with your Denturist to get minor adjustments more frequently, which typically do not take too long to correct.

How are dentures made?

  • Making Dentures is complex and requires years of specialized training and experience.  Here is a video showing a brief overview of how some dentures are made:

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